Spring is the season for mulching. At Northhill Orchards we have 3 different mulch options for you. We have Colorfast Black Mulch for sale, Colorfast Brown Mulch for sale, and All Natural Bark Mulch for sale. Adding mulch to your flowerbeds will help to suppress the growth of weeds and it will add the perfect finishing touch to the spring look of your flowerbeds. Our Colorfast Black Mulch and Colorfast Brown Mulch last through the season. 

We have over 12 years of Landscaping experience and we’ve been using the Colorfast Mulch for the last 4 years and it’s the best mulch we’ve ever supplied and installed. The texture is better, the dyed color is stronger, overall the quality is just superior to anything else we’ve seen or used. You can get your order placed today by calling us or filling out a contact form.

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Bulk Mulch Delivery Options:

  • Mifflinburg PA
  • Harleton PA
  • Penns Creek PA
  • Kreamer PA
  • Kratzerville PA
  • Selinsgrove PA
  • Sunbury PA
  • Lewisburg PA
  • Milton PA
  • Beaver springs PA
  • Beavertown PA
  • Watsontown  PA
  • Mt Pleasant Mills PA

If you don’t see your area on our list you can still call us and see if we can deliver to you!

How Much Mulch Should You Buy?

There are a few important things to consider when figuring out how much mulch you should buy. You need to plan for how thick you want your mulch cover to be. You have to figure out how many square feet you need to cover, this includes all of your flower beds and any other areas you may want to install your mulch like around the bases of your trees.

So, how do you figure out how much mulch should you buy based on how thick your mulch application should be? The two factors you have to determine are total square footage of area you need to cover with your mulch and how deep you need your mulch cover to be.

Northhill Orchard Mulch Buying Chart

Here is the Northhill Orchard mulch buying chart. This may be able to help you get a rough idea of how much mulch you should buy based on the total square footage of area you want your mulch to cover and the depth you want your mulch to be! 

Northhill Orchard does not offer partial scoops of mulch or partial yards of mulch (yards of mulch and scoops of mulch are the same thing)

We take the total square footage of area and divide it by the mulch depth number and that gives us the approximate number of yards you need. 

  • 2-inch depth divide by 162
  • 3-inch depth divide by 107
  • 4-inch depth divide by 81

If you have questions about rounding up or rounding down on the total yards of mulch you should get for your mulching project give us a call or contact us through the website, we would love to help you decide what to do.

Area To Be Mulched


2-inch depth

3-inch depth

4-inch depth

400 square feet

2.47 yards

3.70 yards

4.93 yards

500 square feet

3.09 yards

4.63 yards

6.17 yards

600 square feet

3.70 yards

5.56 yards

7.41 yards

700 square feet

4.32 yards

6.48 yards

8.64 yards

800 square feet

4.93 yards

7.41 yards

9.88 yards

900 square feet

5.55 yards

8.33 yards

11.11 yards

1,000 square feet

6.17 yards

9.26 yards

12.35 yards

How Much Does One Yard Of Mulch Cover?

One scoop of mulch is equivalent to one cubic yard. The mulch depth determines how many square feet one cubic yard of mulch (or one scoop of mulch) will cover. If your mulch coverage is 3 inches deep, one yard of mulch will cover approximately 100 square feet. If your mulch coverage is 1 inch deep, one yard of mulch will cover approximately 300 square feet. 

How Thick Should I Spread Mulch?

It’s important to spread your mulch to the right thickness! If you spread your mulch too thin then it won’t help with suppressing weeds in your beds and it won’t be effective but if you spread mulch too thick it will harm the roots of the plants in your flower beds. 

Spreading your mulch between 2 inches and 4 inches thick is generally a good, safe depth. 2 inches is deep enough that weeds will be suppressed and 4 inches is shallow enough that your plant’s roots will not be damaged

How Many Yards Of Mulch Do You Need?

You need to take the total square footage of the areas you want to cover. Once you have that number figure out how it relates to the depth of coverage you want. You have to do a little math but it’s worth it to know what you need. Common mulching depths are 2 inches deep, 3 inches deep, and 4 inches deep. 

Look at the property diagram. This homeowner wants to do 2 inch deep mulch in all of their flowerbeds. Let’s do the math together to figure out how many yards of mulch they need to order.

To calculate the square footage of each flowerbed we take the width of the flowerbed and multiply it by the length of the flowerbed. Then we take the total amount of flowerbed square footage in the picture (1,000 square feet) and divide it by 162 (the amount of square feet one cubic yard covers at 2 inch depth) to determine how many yards this homeowner should order. 

This homeowner would need about 6 yards of mulch to cover all their flowerbeds. 6.17 is the exact calculation but when you factor in shrubs and actual flowers that they will be mulching around it will be safe for them to round down to 6 yards instead of rounding up to 7 yards.

If you’re ready for spring mulching then contact Northhill Orchard today and we can get you the mulch you need. If you need help deciding how much mulch to order we can help you with that too.

mulch for sale in pa mulching dimensions
northhill orchard background
black colofast mulch for sale bulk mulch delivery

Colorfast Black Mulch For Sale

Colorfast Black Mulch is great for creating strong visual contrast in the flower beds around a house or business. The color holds up throughout the season so it is great for areas that will get a lot of attention. 

One thing to be aware of with black mulch is that it attracts sunlight and retains heat more than other mulch colors do. It should be used with caution around delicate plants or newly planted flowers. Contact us today if you have questions about our mulch for sale or if you want help figuring out what mulch color would be best for you.

bulk mulch delivery brown mulch for sale selinsgrove pa

Colorfast Brown Mulch For Sale

We have high quality Colorfast brown mulch for sale here at Northhill Orchard. Brown mulch is different than black mulch because it retains a bit less heat than black mulch does. If you’re planning on planting new, young flowers in your flowerbeds (or maybe you already have) then brown mulch is the safer option for your new plants. We do bulk mulch deliveries so if you need your mulch delivered just let us know.

We have found that the Colorfast brown mulch for sale holds its brown dyed color slightly better than our Colorfast black does. We have observed the Colorfast Brown Mulch holding its color from season to season better than the Colorfast Black Mulch or the Natural Bark Mulch.

natural bark mulch for sale sunbury pa mulch delivery

All Natural Bark Mulch For Sale

Our all natural Bark Mulch for sale has no colorfast dye added to it. If you are looking for that all natural look then our all natural bark mulch option is for you. We can do bulk mulch delivery for you if you are not able to come pick it up yourself. Just let us know by calling or filling out a contact form.

One thing to consider when choosing the all natural bark mulch is that it will break down quicker than the Colorfast Black Mulch and Colorfast Brown Mulch options. Although it will not last as long, it will build your soil up faster because it breaks down more readily. If you’re not sure which mulch is best for you we can help you decide.


brown mulch bulk delivery available mulch for sale

We do bulk mulch deliveries to Mifflinburg PA, Lewisburg PA, Milton PA, Northumberland PA, Sunbury PA, Selinsgrove PA, and Penn Creek PA. If you live in one of these areas (or close by) just give us a call. Bulk mulch delivery starts at $25 per load.

Nothing beats the look of a freshly mulched flowerbed. We will help you get your flowerbeds and gardens ready for spring by delivering mulch right to your home.

Order Mulch (570) 837-3500

Give us a call today or contact us through the website to let us know that you’re ready to order mulch. We can help you figure out how much mulch you need based on the size of your flowerbeds or garden. 

You are welcome to come pick your mulch up at the orchard (just give us a call first to make sure that we can be ready to help you when you arrive) or we can set up a bulk mulch delivery for you. Delivery starts at just $25! Contact us today to get your mulch ordered.

Contact Us About Mulch For Sale Today

Fill out a contact form to find out more about the mulch for sale that we have. We are ready to help you get your property ready for spring time! Ask us about bulk mulch delivery today.

milton pa mulch for sale bulk mulch delivery in pa