Fun Corn Maze Near Winfield PA

Winfield PA Corn Maze

American Corn Mazes started to grow (no pun intended) in popularity in the early 1990s. Since then, they have exploded in popularity and become a favorite summer and fall activity. 

Corn mazes are popular among families with children, young adults, and adults of varying ages. Northhill Orchard’s corn maze opens in late summer and goes through the end of the apple picking season in November. It is a great way to build relationships with family and friends while enjoying a now classic summer and fall activity.

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Will You Get Lost In Our Corn Maze?

We hope you get lost for a little while but not for too long! Northhill Orchard’s corn maze was a brand new activity added in 2021. Now, our corn maze is nothing to be scared of, it’s not so complex that you will get lost for days and days. We designed it for you to enjoy with whoever you bring with you. You might just be surprised once you’re in the maze how challenging it can be to keep your bearings, come see for yourself. But don’t be afraid, we never leave anyone in our maze overnight!

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Is Northhill Orchard’s Corn Maze Safe For Children?

Yes! Our Corn Maze Is Safe For Children

Northhill Orchard’s corn maze is absolutely designed for parents with small children to be able to enjoy together. If you happen to be a Mom visiting our orchard with small children and maybe even a stroller you can still enjoy the maze.

We also have a grass trail around the outer edge of the corn maze that you can take your small children for a comfortable walk. This trail will give them the experience of being beside a cornfield without having to worry about the running in a trail and getting lost. 

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What Makes This Winfield PA Corn Maze Fun?

Getting Lost In Our Corn Maze With Your Friends

You might say that a dirt field with corn planted in it and trails carved into the corn sounds kind of boring. And you might be right if that’s all our Winfield PA Corn Maze was but it’s more than that! 

Our corn maze is a way for you to spend quality time with your friends or family outside in God’s creation. It’s more than just a field full of corn and some paths. You can split up into groups and see which group can find their way out first or you can simply enjoy going through the maze as a group.

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Come Visit Northhill Orchard And Our Corn Maze!

Plan Your Trip To Visit Us Soon

Looking for directions to Northhill Orchard and our fun corn maze? You can get those directions or plan your trip with no problem. You won’t regret planning a trip out to Northhill Orchard to enjoy the corn maze, apple picking and more! Don’t hesitate, start planning your visits for this year today.

You can visit our Orchard Activities Page to see more of what we have to offer in addition to fresh fruit picking. You and your loved ones will love our farm wagon rides, orchard farm market, remote control speedboats, and our sunflower field!

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